Part of making history in the Amazon

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The Cooperation Roundtable for Conservation and Sustainable Development has been established in the province of Morona Santiago in Ecuador. Thanks to the provincial government’s leadership, the Prefecture of Morona Santiago and various institutions have formed a lasting and fruitful work platform.

The Waterbearers organization is honored to be part of this prestigious team of international conservation organizations and institutions in Ecuador. This cooperation fosters effective coordination, uniting efforts with a common goal: to guarantee sustainable resource management that conserves the incomparable Amazonian biodiversity while improving the quality of life of the Indigenous communities and strengthening their culture.

The meeting culminated with the cooperators’ signatures, marking a historical event in managing the Territory of Life and Ancestral Use of the three million-acre Tarimiat Pujutai Nunka Reserve, which is consolidated as a benchmark for sustainability, forest and wildlife conservation and climate resilience.

In the Ecuadorian rainforest, the Indigenous Achuar and Shuar people face many challenges, including polluted rivers from oil and mining extraction practices, making water unsafe to drink, and illegal logging contributes to further deforestation of the Amazon, where 1 in 2 children under five years old are chronically malnourished.

The Waterbearers has provided clean water solutions to remote communities worldwide. Donating to TheWaterbearers can significantly improve women’s and children’s lives in the Ecuadorian rainforest.

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